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Dachshund “Diggity Dog”

Dachshund Breed History

DiggityDogDuds Dachshund Small Dog Information

With good reason we selected the Dachshund as Diggity Dog.  Dachshunds, a favorite breed of choice according to the AKC, are generally known for being good lap dogs and wonderful family pets.  But did you know that dachshunds are accomplished hunters?  We don’t tend to think of them that way, but they are part of the AKC Hound group, highly intelligent, and have a great sense of smell.  They are great hunters both above and below ground.  Can you guess what they use to hunt in Germany?  Check out our site to see if you are right and to learn more about the incredible dachshund! Click here to visit our Dachshund Breed History page.