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Yorkshire Terrier “Diggity Dog”

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier - Diggity Dog of the Month

Did you know that the Yorkshire Terrier dogs have been around a long time? With their Toy charm, attractiveness and intelligence, it’s no surprise that they’ve been the very pampered pets of high society.  However, what is surprising is the Yorkshire Terriers’ turn from pampered pets to diligent workers in the clothing mills, involved in a vocation that will probably astound you.  Hint: They worked for the weavers.  Can you guess what that vocation was? Use this link to visit our tiny dog gallery to find out the answer.


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Brussels Griffon “Diggity Dog”

Brussels Griffon

DiggityDogDuds Brussels Griffon Small Dog Information

The Brussels Griffon was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1910.  It is the 89th most popular dog breed.  The American Brussels Griffon Association (ABGA) is a member of AKC and acts as the Parent Club for setting standards for Griffon judging at American Kennel Club dog shows.

Brussels Griffons’ faces display almost human expressions, and these Toy dogs are devoted companions.  They are not pampered, frilly dogs.  They just want to be where you are.  To learn more click on the link:

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Shih Tzu “Diggity Dog”

DiggityDogDuds Shih Tzu Small Dog Information

Shih Tzu(s) are outgoing, friendly, and charming.  The Shih Tzu can be summed up in one word – cute. They love to amuse their family and provide lots of entertainment!  The Shih Tzu has a Chinese ancestry as a prized pet and companion to royalty.  Regally he struts, head held high and tail arched over his back.  The Shih Tzu history dates back to 624 AD in documents, paintings, and art objects. To learn more about this fabulous tiny dog click here:

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Dachshund “Diggity Dog”

Dachshund Breed History

DiggityDogDuds Dachshund Small Dog Information

With good reason we selected the Dachshund as Diggity Dog.  Dachshunds, a favorite breed of choice according to the AKC, are generally known for being good lap dogs and wonderful family pets.  But did you know that dachshunds are accomplished hunters?  We don’t tend to think of them that way, but they are part of the AKC Hound group, highly intelligent, and have a great sense of smell.  They are great hunters both above and below ground.  Can you guess what they use to hunt in Germany?  Check out our site to see if you are right and to learn more about the incredible dachshund! Click here to visit our Dachshund Breed History page.

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Chihuahua “Diggity Dog”

Chihuahua “Diggity Dog”

Chihuahua Diggity Dog of the Month

We have chosen the Chihuahua Toy Dog as our first Diggity Dog.  Chihuahua history is both tragic and wonderful.  We cover their origins and history and the miracle that we still have Chihuahuas today.  Learn about the types of Chihuahuas, their temperaments, how they became a very popular breed choice, and whether or not Chihuahuas make good family dogs.  We will be doing ongoing Diggity Dog information on the various toy dog breeds.  Be sure to share with your friends on social media. Here is a link to the article.