Shih Tzu Toy Dog Information
Shih Tzu(s) are outgoing, friendly, and charming. Cute is the best way to describe these darling toy dogs. They love to amuse their family and provide lots of entertainment!
The Shih Tzu has a Chinese ancestry as a prized pet and companion to royalty. He struts proudly with head held high and his tail arched over his back. The Shih Tzu history dates back to 624 AD in documents, paintings, and art objects.
The Shih Tzu is a member of the AKC Toy Group. It is beautiful, sturdy, lively and alert. Shih Tzu(s) usually enjoy good health and longevity of 12-14 years. They have to meet the same standards of soundness and structure required for all breeds. They are good companion/lap dogs and are perfect for apartments or any home lacking lots of space. Shih Tzu(s) are the 17th most popular breed according to the AKC.
Grooming, Care, & Training
Shih Tzu long coats are hair, not fur, and they do not shed. The hair needs to be brushed daily to prevent matting. Due to their heavy coats and short faces, Shih Tzu(s) don’t tolerate the heat well, and they are poor swimmers. During hot weather, when traveling with your pet, be sure to take along lots of fresh water and frozen ice packs.
Requiring only minimal exercise, Shih Tzu(s) do well with daily walks and indoor play time. Training a Shih Tzu can be somewhat amusing and also annoying, as the Shih Tzu tries to charm and kiss you into having his own way. Because Shih Tzu(s) are very much people dogs, praise is what works best with them. When training them or enrolling them in obedience classes, be sure praise is the primary technique used. The Shih Tzu will respond and learn far more quickly using the praise technique. It’s important for the dog’s well being to have good training and you will enjoy him more if he is well behaved.
Be aware of some diseases that can affect the Shih Tzu. A good breeder will do genetic testing of their breeding dogs to minimize the likelihood of disease in the offspring. Mostly, Shih Tzu(s) are very healthy dogs. Occasionally health issues like hip dyplasia, patellar luxation and eye disease may be an issue. A rare but serious health problem is juvenile renal dysplasia (kidneys fail to develop normally). Another area of concern is taking precautions to avoid eye injuries. Shih Tzu(s) have large eyes and no muzzle to guard them.
Your veterinarian is the best resource for nutritional guidance of what, how, and when you should feed your dog. With good nutrition and lots of fresh water, your Shih Tzu should live a long, healthy life for both of you to enjoy!